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Thread: No data in Sources.list file

  1. #1
    Join Date

    No data in Sources.list file


    I am doing some troubleshooting and I noticed that my sources.list file does not have any information. Should it have something? I use the following command: root@kali:/etc/apt# less sources.list. I notice on Kali's help pages they mention not to modify this list, why? I am hoping I am doing something incorrect but I also tried vi but received the same nothing but "~" all across the left side of the window.

    I am using Kali 2.0 64 bit on Virtual Box and a Win 7 laptop.

    Thanks again,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you do not have any lines in your sources.list file you should add the following:
    deb sana main non-free contrib
    deb sana/updates main contrib non-free

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