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Thread: Can't change login screen or TX power

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Can't change login screen or TX power

    Hi guys,

    I'm able to drop in my pngs, redirected the 10-desktop-base to the new image, but my login screen won't change.. Does anyone know why??

    And my TX power will not increase our decrease, tried multiple country codes. Can a pci nic be restricted to 20 TX? Can that be bypassed, if any?

    By the way I've been very impressed with kali, great job to all the devs!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    The Pits
    Hello SuperYam,
    I also was having a terrible time with txpower. After getting all updates for Kali 2 my txpower was just stuck on 20 dBm no matter what I tried. It appears that Bolivia (BO) is now on 20, not 30 dBm.
    Try this and see if it's OK for you:

    ifconfig wlan1 down
    iw reg set GY
    iwconfig wlan1 txpower 30
    ifconfig wlan1 up

    To set region GY at boot, add the following to etc/rc.local just above the text "exit 0":

    iw reg set GY
    iwconfig wlan1 txpower 30

    (You might want to change wlan1 to wlan0 or whatever your adapter is coming up as)
    Now, as for the login screen, I have no advice. Sorry.
    Last edited by John_Doe; 2015-09-13 at 03:06. Reason: oops, typo

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