Enter Line Number of Selected TargetAP Here: 1
You have chosen:
1. xxxxxxxxx as the targetAPs' name.
2. xxxxxxxxx as the targetAPs' mac address.
Enter (y/Y) to confirm or (n/N) to try again.
./VMR-MDK-K2-2016R-011x9.sh: line 666: /root/VARMAC_CONFIG/configfiledetailed: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
./VMR-MDK-K2-2016R-011x9.sh: line 673: /root/VARMAC_CONFIG/xxxxxx-xxxxxxx: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
ls: não é possÃ*vel acessar /root/VARMAC_CONFIG: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Configuration files listed in the VARMAC_CONFIG folder.
Select the config file to be used.
A Configuration file xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx has been made for use
with this target BUT any config file listed can be used.
After selection the config file parameters will appear. You can review
settings and make changes which will be written to the file choosen.
Once the program is running, open the config file with leafpad,
make any changes and save. The config file is loaded at the start of
Stages II, III & IV.
Enter Line Number of Config File Here:
You have chosen as your configuration file.
Enter (y/Y) to confirm or (n/N) to try again.
./VMR-MDK-K2-2016R-011x9.sh: line 1142: /root/VARMAC_CONFIG/: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado