Hey guys,
I installed Kali 2.0 in an ssd partition with windows 8 dual boot, in a laptop with optimus technology. I followed a '20 things to do after install Kali', from blackMOREops.com, and when I got to the part of installing the nvidia drivers, I went to the Kali Docs, and followed the official steps.
This went wrong, the x gui broke, I tried to debug, but it was getting messy, and since it was a fresh install, I decided to format, and get a clean install again and maybe follow a Bumblebee + Cuda tutorial.
The thing is, with the fresh install, when I type 'glxinfo | grep -i "direct rendering"' it gives me the desired output: 'direct rendering: Yes'.
My question is: Does this mean that in password cracking proccess, and similar processes, it will use the dedicated nvidia GPU? Is there other ways to confirm this since I didn't installed any nvidia package.
Thanks in advance guys!