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Thread: Kali Linux login fail just like Backtrack series

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Unhappy Kali Linux login fail just like Backtrack series

    I have tried everything and even with help from the internet NOTHING WORKS!

    it never asked me to set up a password for sure.

    and when I booted it up, it just loads the OS then I go to the Terminal and type "Login"
    it asked for username i type "root" but then next it doesnt say Password: the line is blank but i still try toor an d nothing works, just like i couldnt with Backtrack 5 r2 and r3!
    Why am I the Only one that cant login??!

    I would love some help or advice
    My Kali Version is all default from the download.

    PLEASE, I hate having to restart everything I download and save please supply something for me!
    I even tried passwd and set it as toor but when I tried to login still NOTHING!

    If you need any more info just please ask.

    I was thinking of even setting this as my real OS but whats the point if I lose everything after every reboot?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    London Colney Hertforshire
    OK I not sure where you are with this but all I can say is read the install procedure and follow it once you have the system installed when the login screen appears forget the name you set but remember the password you set type in root then it will ask for your pasword then you will be up and running.

    Sorry I may not have made myself clear on the login screen select other then type root then it will ask for your password and you should be OK
    Last edited by monchapi; 2013-04-25 at 18:23. Reason: more info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    This seems like it may be user error, but just incase, have you tried installing it to a vm or a different machine and seeing if the problem is replicated? If so, im sorry but it may be user error.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    losing everything sounds like a "live install" without persistent changes. especially if you're not getting a login prompt. i have the strongest feeling you may need to install this properly, once you go through the process, you will be prompted for you to enter a password of your choice to log in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Seal Beach, California
    Yeah. I would definitely follow the guide, few things here. If you aren't using VMWare, then you are either installing it, or running it as a Live operating system (see below for description of what that is). The bootable DVD-ROM/USB Drive you make using the .iso you downloaded, will enable you to do both, run it as a Live OS (Changes don't save upon reboot)..or give you the option to install the actual OS. You need to determine what you are wanting to do. My thoughts here..

    * VMWare is GREAT, but can be tricky and I haven't seen a lot of people utilizing Kali VM as of yet.
    * Kali Live is wonderful and great for mobility (War Driving, Penetration Testing..all legal of course) or if you are generally learning and wanting to play on Unix and don't want to worry about screwing up the Operating System (as I did earlier), but remember changes don't save...the best you can do is setup persistence so you have in essence a place to store stuff.
    * Kali Install will install the actual Operating system (Debian) wherever you tell it too and you will run it as an OS.

    As for passwords, VM Ware and Kali Live SHOULDN'T be prompting you to SET a password...I ran the VM Ware Kali-Linux1.0.2-AMD64, and it was the default root/toor. Additionally, when I was utilizing the live version past few days, I just logged in using the default password.

    The only time I have been prompted for a password yet was earlier yesterday night when I actually setup a Dual Boot configuration for it, I was prompted during install to setup the root password.

    I would say, verify the MD5 / SHA-1 ensure you have a perfect copy.
    Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever. ~ Shane Falco

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sorry I did not receive email for this post but I subbed, so I didnt see your replies and thank you so much for them.

    I'm quite sure I did install it, do you mean when it boots up, if it asks to install I thought that meant it will get rid of something on windows but if it will install perm. to the USB then I am doing that right now, can you explain where it will install If I choose?
    Last edited by g0tmi1k; 2013-04-30 at 08:23. Reason: MERGED

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