I am using a 64GB SAMSUNG Sd card where I installed the kali image with Win32DiskImager on an ASUS Chromebook Flip.
The image is kali-2.0-veyron.img
The issue is that the image allow only 6 or 7GB on the FS partition leaving the rest of the space unusable.
Of course when I tryied to install kali linux full I run out of space and couldn't complete the installation.
I tryed to resize the FS with Gparted after having installed btrfs-tools but it doesn't work because after thie resize operation the sd card isnt bootable any more.
I also tryed to use btrfs filesystem resize +xxgb /media/dev/sdb2 but I always get an error in relation to the size of the file being to big (no matter what size).
Ir seems I am not the only one with a similar issue on different Chromebook, unfortunately I couldn't find any workable solution so far (google, forum, ecc).
I wander if there is the possibility to work directly on the kali-2.0-veyron.img image and change somehow the parameters which affect the size once dd'ed.
I hope someone can point me to the right direction.