I am using Kali Linux 2 x64 on VMware Workstation 12 Pro, while my host OS is Windows 8.1 x64.
I installed Kali without any problems, and when I tried to update / upgrade Kali I got an error near the end of the process, saying that I don't have enough disk space even if I allocated 40GB on my SSD to the virtual machine via VMware Workstation.
#I don't know if this bonus information will help, but when I right-clicked on the 'Computer' directory in Kali Linux and chosen 'Properties', it has only shown 1GB of maximum memory for that directory, of which only 22MB of memory were unused.
Could you assist me with this problem? Where did I go wrong?
Also, I'd like to ask: How can I make the Screen Resolution of Kali that I configured in my last session get saved even after I restart Kali? It keeps happening that when I change the resolution, it gets back to 800x600 after I restart the virtual machine.
Thanks in advance!