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Thread: Kali error username login scramble string

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    Kali error username login scramble string

    Hi all,

    I am running kali on a Raspberry pi 2. I am using the image - i think i got it from offensive security "kali-2.0.1-rpi2".

    When I boot and get to the login screen on the bar at the top of the screen, top right corner where it displays the user name there are the letters "aa_Dj.uf8"

    This is a fresh install image. The bar at the top right corner would display "root" but now it displays the scrambled string. I did not change user name. I have rewritten the image several times using Win32diskmanager and everytime it boots I get the same string in the bar.

    The login works. I use the default root and toor but I would like to get rid and understand why that string is there all of a sudden.

    Thank you
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