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Thread: Unable to create persistence on Kali Linux Live USB

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Unable to create persistence on Kali Linux Live USB


    I am very new to Linux but am now studying towards CEH accreditation as part of my new role.

    I have followed the guide to install the ISO image on my USB and can successfully boot into Kali Linux.

    When I follow the guide for enabling persistence things come un-stuck. This is exactly what I am doing:

    1. Boot laptop (Windows 7 - HP Probook running Windows 7 64bit)
    2. ESC and F9 to boot from USB (8GB USB)
    3. Open a terminal from the Kali desktop
    4. Type "fdisk -l" (the output matches that of the userguide)
    5. Type "end=7GB"
    6. Type the full command as per the guide but substituting the image name for the name of the image I downloaded as below:

    read start _ < <(du -bcm kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso | tail -1); echo $start

    I receive the following error message:
    du: cannot access 'kali-Linux-2.0-amd64.iso': No such file or directory

    I am logged in as root.

    Hopefully this is just a stupid error on my part/lack of understanding :-(

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Read thru these two(2) links

    If you still cannot get persistence to function post back here.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thanks so much for those links - clearly I was missing the point that I needed to be working from a separate Linux Live USB to enable persistence.

    Followed the guide and all now working. Thanks again.

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