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Thread: Using /EFI/BOOT config files for auto-boot

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    Question Using /EFI/BOOT config files for auto-boot


    I'm using Kali 2.0 on a 32 GB USB 3.0 stick on a Lenovo Z50 laptop running Windows 10 on the HDD.
    Boot hierarchy: USB > HDD > CD > Network

    So when i have my Kali stick plugged in, it boots from USB. (otherweise the only way to get into Lenovos bios or boot menu is to use the recovery button when the laptop is completely turned off).

    I also figured out how to configure the boot menu from Kali with mounting /dev/sdc2 and editing the /EFI/BOOT/menu.cfg files, which allowed me to remove the annoying bell / beep on startup:

    menu hshift 0
    menu width 82
    menu title EFI Boot menu[0x07 BELL ASCII CODE REMOVED]
    include stdmenu.cfg
    include live.cfg
    include install.cfg
    menu begin advanced
    	menu title Advanced options
    	include stdmenu.cfg
    	label mainmenu
    		menu label ^Back..
    		menu exit
    	include advanced.cfg
    menu end
    menu clear
    Question: How am i able to setup auto-boot to "Live USB persistance" mode (instantly or after x seconds)?

    Thanks in advance,

    Edit: The bell ascii code reappeared after reboot.
    Last edited by Nerdworld; 2015-11-03 at 09:23.

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