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Thread: Source build way smaller than pre-build?

  1. #1

    Source build way smaller than pre-build?

    I built NetHunter kernel and fs from for my Nexus 7 2013 wifi LP v5 (Razor).

    The result was two files, 1. the kernel, which installed and shows in my about phone.
    2. was

    The I built was 46MB in size and the chroot doesn't work.

    i used the ./ to build and it did everything for me.

    Could anyone help me figure out why my flashable file is way smaller(46MB) than the pre-built ones(800MB) available for download?
    And where did I go wrong that broke chroot?

    Probably found out what caused this.

    My virtual disk was "mounted with noexec"

    I found out I could change it by doing "mount -o remount,exec,dev /media/root/VirtualDisk2"
    Where VirtualDisk2 was the virtual drive I had the repos cloned on and was trying to execute the sh to build.
    Last edited by xNotta; 2015-11-07 at 23:47.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    South Texas
    In the nethunter-installer directory look at the readme file for build instructions. Nethunter already has a kernel built for the nexus 7, so no need to build a new one. Follow the directions for the for your device and add the --rootfs full to the end. This will add the chroot to the build.
    That is the difference for the file size, the chroot will add the 600 mb+ to your build.

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