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Thread: Kali Linux 2.0 Live USB not booting - strange problem!

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Linux 2.0 Live USB not booting - strange problem!

    Okay, I really really wanted to have Kali as fast as possible, and, of course, when you want to have something fast, it often happens goes wrong direction.

    Anyway, I did everything that is written here, unfortunately I'm not able to check the sha1 because I downloaded Kali directly and it contained only the image.
    So I turn on the computer, choose to boot from USB, then choose Live USB Persistence, then it looks like it's doing something (you know, black screen and letters), and then this shows up:

    And that's all. Nothing happens. Later when I click esc or backspace it goes between two images similiar to this and that's the end. Can't open a Terminal, can't do anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    probably your installation img is broken. you need to download another one and reinstall Kali.
    read this post
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I had the same problem before. I got it fixed by downloading a new image and making sure the sha1sum matches, go here and download a new img and make sure it matches the sha1 displayed next to the img in the table. Hope that fixes the problem. Best of luck!

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