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Thread: Stumped: Triple Boot Windows 10, Ubuntu 15.10, Kali Linux 2.0

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Stumped: Triple Boot Windows 10, Ubuntu 15.10, Kali Linux 2.0

    Hello all,

    I've read the sticky and read other threads but everything that I've tried is not working.

    Currently I have Ubuntu 15.10 and Windows 10 dual boot. I used Windows 10 BIOS settings to make Ubuntu the preferred boot, so when I power on it gives me that nice purple grub. I downloaded Kali Linux 2.0amd64.iso. My laptop is the Asus X750J 64-bit, 1TB etc etc etc.

    So now is the part that I am having problems. I've searched the kali forums to some extent, watched youtube videos, and read .com sites. I originally was going to try UNetbootin but read that is not to be used so I threw that idea out the window LOL.

    What I've tried:
    1. Win32 Disk Imager (recommended off the kali linux site). Once completed turned off computer, turned it back on and hit f2 which is the BIOS. I tried booting from UEFI: USB and nothing happened. Still in the BIOS.

    2. Tried the Universal USB Installer option. Everything completed. Restarted computer and went to BIOS. Tried to boot from the UEFI: USB and nothing happened. Still in the BIOS

    3. Booted on Ubuntu 15.10 and tried the dd approach. Everything completed and successful. Again, nothing happens in the BIOS.

    I am completely stumped and at this point don't know what to do.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    the only thing what can I advise you is to download another Kali iso img and once again and check md5 and sha1
    and make boot usb with 1st or 3rd method and try again.
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thank you. I ended up getting it to work.

    1. disk 32 imager
    2. load usb
    3. BIOS
    4. disable secure boot
    5. override boot the USB ( this is done for not wanting to reposition which gets loaded first)

    unfortunately I accidentally replaced the kali linux OS over the entire windows partition so I had to use my laptop to re download windows 10 and now am currently trying to reinstall Windows 10, repartition the hard drive now for Ubuntu (60 GB), Kali Linux (60GB). Fortunately everything is on OneDrive LOL.

    Quick question:
    Since Kali Linux is Debian and similar to Ubuntu do I even need to install it? Is there things with Ubuntu that Kali Linux will not receive? I hate having the thought of re-installing PyCharm, PYQT, Eclipse etc etc. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by JeeprzCreeprz19 View Post
    Quick question:
    Since Kali Linux is Debian and similar to Ubuntu do I even need to install it? Is there things with Ubuntu that Kali Linux will not receive? I hate having the thought of re-installing PyCharm, PYQT, Eclipse etc etc. Thanks!
    I would rather recommend some other Linux distro then Ubuntu if you like to learn other Linux distro.
    with 2nd question you have to examine about that. I don't know it.
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

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