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Thread: installing kali linux on dell inspiron

  1. #1
    Join Date

    installing kali linux on dell inspiron

    i cant find a way to install or run al live usb version on my dell inspiron 7559.
    i tried to install and it gave me two errors:
    1. iwlwifi cant find- i worked without wifi
    2. rtl- for ethernet and i downloaded and installed doring the installation itself.

    when i tried to boot the first time it showed a blinking cursor. so i downloaded a driver and update through ctrl+alt+f1
    and now it shows "oh no something has gone wrong" screen/

    and the live version dont start shows black screen/
    what can i do

  2. #2
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    i have the same problem with my 7559

  3. #3
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    Kali forums
    I've got an older model inspiron (1535, I think) that runs Kali fine.

    Can you run a live DVD?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by gamesmi View Post
    i cant find a way to install or run al live usb version on my dell inspiron 7559.
    i tried to install and it gave me two errors:
    1. iwlwifi cant find- i worked without wifi
    2. rtl- for ethernet and i downloaded and installed doring the installation itself.

    when i tried to boot the first time it showed a blinking cursor. so i downloaded a driver and update through ctrl+alt+f1
    and now it shows "oh no something has gone wrong" screen/

    and the live version dont start shows black screen/
    what can i do
    Did you ever get the Live version to work on the 7559? I have the same issue and believe that it is a graphics card related issue. I have tried adding nomodeset in grub on the Kali start options screen but this has not worked.

  5. #5
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    i still cant install or run live kali.
    cant figure out what is the problem.
    i tried to run ubuntu and it worked but i cant run kali

  6. #6
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    I would try apt-get update and upgrade first. Then I would look for the driver version in the Linux source code that was used to build the kernel. Check for compatability. If it's not found you might want to upgrade the kernel.

  7. #7
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    how can i upgrade the kernel?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamesmi View Post
    how can i upgrade the kernel?
    I had the same problem you have. (Dell Inspiron 7359)
    It happens because Kali 2.0 isn't familiar with Skylake's gpu.
    Luckily the new Kali distribution released yesterday does have the drivers included.
    Just download Kali 2016.1 and it should work just fine

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by xpboy7 View Post
    I had the same problem you have. (Dell Inspiron 7359)
    It happens because Kali 2.0 isn't familiar with Skylake's gpu.
    Luckily the new Kali distribution released yesterday does have the drivers included.
    Just download Kali 2016.1 and it should work just fine
    That's great news. I wasn't aware of the Kali Skylake issue.

    Thanks for the update. I'll be giving this a go over the weekend.

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