Hello everyone,
I kust bought a Linksys AC1200 because my internal WLAN adapter wouldn't work. Found a forum post on the askubuntu on how to install it:
As soon as I enter "make", I get this error message:
I'm a bit of a beginner so sorry if this is a stupid thread, but I really have no idea what to do from there on.Code:make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/4.0.0-kali1-amd64/build M=/root/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux modules make[1]: *** /lib/modules/4.0.0-kali1-amd64/build: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden. Schluss. Makefile:1049: recipe for target 'modules' failed make: *** [modules] Error 2
Anyone got an idea?