Is this even possible? Some people say i can follow å Nexus 6 guide, and others say following å Nexus 6 guide will break ny phone..
Has someone with å Nexus 6p installert nethunter sucessfully??
Is this even possible? Some people say i can follow å Nexus 6 guide, and others say following å Nexus 6 guide will break ny phone..
Has someone with å Nexus 6p installert nethunter sucessfully??
Hi zoLx,
I've just had a look myself and the lastest supported install guide is now at
Hope you find this helpful
Last edited by 3MrGnc3; 2016-01-08 at 02:19. Reason: Out of Date Info
Hello zoLx,
At the moment is not supported, but we are working on the device, the state of the development is in early alpha, you can build a flashable nethunter zip following this instructions:
But is no stable. Youll find bugs and problems probably.
They got flashable Angler and Bullhead builds here.
They got flashing instructions here.