NETHUNTER LINUX FLASH (TWRP, SuperSU and Kali Nethunter)
Checking if adb is installed
Checking if adb is installed DONE
Checking if fastboot is installed
fastboot FOUND
Checking if fastboot is installed DONE
Adb connection check
ADB device detected.
Adb connection check DONE
Checking TWRP image existence
Dir twrpImage/ has files
Checking TWRP image existence DONE
Checking SuperSu existence
Dir superSu/ has files
Checking SuperSu existence DONE
Checking Kali Nethunter zip existence
Dir kaliNethunter/ has files
Checking Kali Nethunter zip existence DONE
Sending Kali Nethunter zip to the device
4648 KB/s (687443356 bytes in 144.414s)
Sending Kali Nethunter zip to the device DONE
Sending SuperSu zip to the device
4298 KB/s (4272471 bytes in 0.970s)
Sending SuperSu zip to the device DONE
Rebooting into bootloader
Rebooting into bootloader DONE
Flashing TWRP image
sending 'recovery' (8956 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.287s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.318s]
finished. total time: 0.605s
Flashing TWRP image DONE
Booting into TWRP (20 secs dont worry)
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 0.286s]
OKAY [ 0.029s]
finished. total time: 0.315s
Booting into TWRP DONE
Installing SuperSU
TWRP does not appear to be running. Waiting for TWRP to start . . .
Press CTRL + C to quit.
E:Unable to mount '/data'
Unable to locate zip file '/sdcard/supersu.zip'.
Installing '/sdcard/supersu.zip'...
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
E:Failed to sysMapFile '/sdcard/supersu.zip'
E:Error installing zip file '/sdcard/supersu.zip'
Done processing script file
Installing SuperSU DONE!
Installing Kali Linux Nethunter
E:Unable to mount '/data'
Unable to locate zip file '/sdcard/kaliNethunter.zip'.
Installing '/sdcard/kaliNethunter.zip'...
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
E:Failed to sysMapFile '/sdcard/kaliNethunter.zip'
E:Error installing zip file '/sdcard/kaliNethunter.zip'
Done processing script file
Installing Kali Linux Nethunter DONE!
Rebooting into Kali Linux Nethunter
Everything is installed. Phone should be booting up! Enjoy