Hi guys.
I'm a noob, so please go easy on me.
I exhaustively searched on this forum and elsewhere, but cannot find a definitive answer to my problem.
OK firstly, brief spec of my host machine:
HP w2207 Desktop PC
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit
500GB hard disk
OK, so it seems that VMWare does not like Windows Vista, especially 32-bit version. I am not able to install VMWare Workstation (all versions). So i read somewhere on the net that i have to use an older version of VMWare, so i installed VMWare 5 (which installs successfully). However, during the installation setup, i point to kali-linux-1.1.0a-i386.iso but it states that 'Cannot Read this file'. Specify a different file or select a different option to continue'.
Can someone please advise on what is going on here? Is this kali linux version not supported for VMWare 5? Do i need to install an older version of Kali Linux?
Is Windows Vista 32-bit not supported on VMWare at all?
Also, during the install of VMWare 5, i select 'I will install operating system later', then select Linux and Debian 5. However, once the install is complete, i play the virtual machine, i get the message - 'Operating system not found'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.