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Thread: OnePlus wont flash TWRP to install Nethunter

  1. #1
    Join Date

    OnePlus wont flash TWRP to install Nethunter


    Ok first things first. This is NOT the best way to resolve this but it did work for me. No guarantees with this. Proceed at your own risk!

    This was done on a Kali 2.0 Sana machine attempting to install Nethunter 3.0 to a Stock OnePlus One with Android 5.1.1.

    Before you begin you will need to download the nethunter image for your phone, TWRP form the TWRP website for your phone, and the OnePlus One stock image. Also you will need to know how to use ADB to boot into fastboot and push files to the phone.

    So the issue I had was that after the nethunter installer failed I had to start manually installing nethunter on a OnePlus One.

    I found that attempting to flash TWRP manually (fastboot flash recovery twrp- was failing despite fastboot telling me it was a success. It would still bring up the stock Cyanogen as the recovery.


    In order to fix this these were the steps I had to go through.

    First boot into fastboot per the instructions at TWRP.

    Then run:
    fastboot flash boot twrp-'
    ###### I know this is the wrong partition to be flashing too! Just hang in there with me for a second. Also you may have a differenct TWRP version. #######

    Then reboot the phone. #### FYI your phone will forever boot to TWRP recovery at this stage. We will fix this in a second. #####

    Once in TWRP recovery you will need to select INSTALL and select the NetHunter .zip file. If you dont have it saved to the phone yet you can push it to the phone with adb.
    adb push <> /sdcard/

    Once the NetHunter install is finished you will reboot and notice TWRP will come back up. ### I know... Again we WILL fix this ###

    Take the Cyanogen OS image you downloaded earlier (the OnePlus stock image) and extract it. Change into the directory where boot.img is located, inside the extracted Cyanogen OS image directory.

    So again boot back into fastboot using ADB.

    Once your phone is back in fastboot you will run:
    fastboot flash boot boot.img
    ###### This will fix the boot issue and you will now see NetHunter boot up on reboot ######

    Then run:
    fastboot continue

    You should now see the sweet welcoming image that is the Kali NetHunter boot up sequence.

    Let me know if someone has a better way. This was just the way I did it and though I would share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Canada eh
    I had to use bacon tool on win 8.1 to get oneplus 2 to boot to twrp #4 flash twrp


    Oneplus tools on win 8.1
    After phones bootloader is unlocked and is rooted and 3 zip are copied to phone
    And iw kernel that needs to be replaced for aircrack and that stuff to work
    Ues the #4 fash twrp in the oneplus tools the runme
    To boot into twrp
    Install all three in this order
    Supersport. Zip
    Kali nethunter zip
    Iw.tar whatever look it up
    After installing open terminal
    su root
    Then start updating

    Um I didn't need anything to push files to phone plug into Ubuntu and if phones set to file transfer when it is plugged in you just drag zip over
    Adb was really not used much on my install I guess
    Then one plus tools to flash and enter twrp boot on phone and install from there you install this order
    Supersu. Zip
    Nethunter. Zip
    Iw-4.3.tar.gz it's the kernel you need for stuff to work
    Last edited by sickn3ss; 2016-02-10 at 14:05.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Canada eh
    ok so i figured out a real simple way to get around this install only tools i used was win 8.1 oneclickroot and oneplus tool kits runme
    ok so start with oneplus tool and unlock bootloader and here is whee the magic happens start one click root tool and it wont do anything go back to oneplus tools and use #4 or 6 if 6 press reboot to twrp when it boots the oneclickroot tool starts its first step then reboot to recovery and dont disable the boot thing when it reboots the one clickroot finishes now your ready to flash the 2 zips supersu and nethunter next boot the phone ad erace the zips download the fullkail oneplus zip and kernel zip from move over by just pluging in phone to pc and play with settings till hard pops up in a window move files restart to recovery it will still be twrp unless you turned it off and install the update then the kernel and your done with no beacon tools or adb the newby shoots he scores the nerds go wild crowed chants pwnslapt

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