Since they dropped the invitation-system I think more people will start buying it, so I was wondering if there are any plans to support it?
Since they dropped the invitation-system I think more people will start buying it, so I was wondering if there are any plans to support it?
What ROM do you use? The stock on or another customized, such as CyanogenMod?
I use the official one, which is as far as I know a specialised version of CyanogenMod.
That is not true. OnePlus X doesn't have a CyanogenOS variant but rather their own "OxygenOS" ROM. I have ported NetHunter to OnePlus X but you will have to install CyanogenMod v13.0 for that. If you want me to post the links for the zImage, just ask.
Thanks! It seems i don't have enough posts to send a PM. Could you please contact? I've got a few questions. Cheers
I have sent you an email.
In addition to Phreya's zImage, I now have OnePlusX building in the nightlies since if you want to give that a spin.
We are currently missing KEXEC hardboot & USB OTG charging support.
Member of the Kali NetHunter developer team. You can contribute to Kali NetHunter too!
We accept pull requests!
Find my GitHub account: jcadduono
I'm probably being a noob here but I've installed a fresh copy of CM13 and then flashed the above nightly from jcadduono. I turn on the device and it just hangs at the oneplus logo. The "Powered by Android" bit dissapears and just displays the oneplus logo .
Tried the lolipop version with oxygen and CM12 and get the same fault. Hopefully I'm doing something silly!
Hey. Flash this after flashing everything and tell me if that fixed your problem. It should fix the bootloop.
i flash ed your release of kalinethunter for oneplus x plus it is ok but wifi is not working
i use these files
What do you mean by WiFi not working? I need more info. What exactly doesn't work? WiFi connection in general or external adapters? If so, which one? Onyx lacks OTG-Y support so there will be some external adapters which won't work, for now.
there is wifi internal adapter not detected here is picsScreenshot_2016-04-04-10-38-25.jpgScreenshot_2016-04-04-10-37-21.jpgScreenshot_2016-04-04-10-37-38.jpg
hi any method to install wifi adaptor drivers
Last edited by danger_end; 2016-04-06 at 05:50.
Hi phreya, thanks for your development. I have the kernel and from you, the TWRP I was going to flash is f2fs. Do you know if nethunter supports f2fs, and if it's data/cache=f2fs and system =ext4, or all ext4 in which case I need a different twrp? How about bluspark? Thanks for the helpflashing over OOS android 5.1 is ok?
I am looking for OPX testers in the #nethunter channel on freenode IRC. My newest builds do fully support f2fs on system/data/cache depending on the ROM.
If anyone has a OnePlus X and some time, it would be very helpful if you were to join in on testing.
Member of the Kali NetHunter developer team. You can contribute to Kali NetHunter too!
We accept pull requests!
Find my GitHub account: jcadduono
Phreya, how can I have your builds on my OPX Oxygen2.2.1.
Can you explain how I have to do it because different then the OPO.
For OPO it's only one 650 mb file. Your build are 2 zip files. Kernel 10 mb and update 65 mb.
Can you write me how I have to do it. And what build do I need?
I have root and twrp.
Thanks. Sorry for my English, I'm Dutch.
hey phreya i am getting error on flashing kernel any idea and please conyact me at [email protected] or send me your gmail.