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Thread: All desktop icons gone, Files closes

  1. #1
    Join Date

    All desktop icons gone, Files closes

    None of my desktop icons are visible, and as soon as I open the Files manager it closes right away. None of the "Places" locations will open. files are still there just not visible can anyone help me? I am not super savvy with Linux so please be patient if I don't understand a complex response.

    I am running Kali Linux 2.0 (32bit) on an old Toshiba Satellite Laptop.'

    I am not getting any error messages

    Misc: I just finished recovering my system from a crash after an attempted upgrade to Rolling Kali that left me crashing in start up every time, leaving me only access to the terminal. I finally got this fixed by using the "purge" command on the nvidia drivers (even though I think the laptop is running integrated intel graphics accelerator)

    I have already tried changing my source.list to the rolling.source list and the sana source list and running the update/upgrade and neither of which has helped.

    Additionally i have now discovered that i have no audio as well. In the top right pull-down menu there isn't even an icon next to the top slider bar
    Last edited by Jargon3.14; 2016-02-14 at 03:14.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I had same but mine was on a Vbox install. Reinstalling guest additions fixed it. You don't mention vbox so this probably doesn't apply but thought I'd toss it out just in case.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    as AWV wrote reinstall Kali once again is best option no mater is it on VB or hdd
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

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