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Thread: Username issues and first login

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Username issues and first login

    I can't login, after making a username and password during the install I forgot the password after , can I reset this or sort it out thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    wait another while and you may forget that you installed it after all reinstall and write down your pass maybe.. or a capturescreen.. or a photo. Happy login

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I had the same issue.. but there is no username and password during the installation, the default username is root and the default password is toor.

    I would suggest reinstalling though if you have forgotten your root password!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptic-F View Post
    but there is no username and password during the installation, the default username is root and the default password is toor.
    Yes there is :

    It is just after "network configuration"
    The password is for the administrator account
    The first time you enter your freshly installed kali linux you will have to do it with
    Once you started your first session (as administrator) you should create a regular user account and add it to "suddoers" file in order to gain administrator privilege with "sudo" with this user account.
    Log out form your root session and from now on use your user session,
    That's how debian based system are meant to be used
    Quote Originally Posted by MarioNicola View Post
    I can't login, after making a username and password during the install I forgot the password after , can I reset this or sort it out thanks
    Try "root + the password you defined", that the way : during install you did not create a user account but reconfigured the rot password.
    If you can't remember the password you have no other choice than reinstalling the Operative System.
    It is fast and you don't have notihng saved inside so that's not a big matter.... just don't forget the password that you configure, you will need it.
    Last edited by kcdtv; 2016-04-02 at 09:55.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sorry, I was given incorrect information and I had the same issue. I have found out how to log in now, the username is root and the password is the root password you created during the installation

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