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Thread: No association MAC address with known connected devices using airodump-ng

  1. #1
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    No association MAC address with known connected devices using airodump-ng

    I currently have a problem with obtaining encrypted passkeys via packet injection using aircrack-ng.

    I am using the Linksys USB WUSB54GC wireless adaptor which is confirmed to support packet injection and complete plug-n-play compatibility with Kali. I can currently detect, connect, and use networks without any additional drivers. I am also able to set my wlan0 connection to monitor mode successfully (wlan0mon).

    Currently I have a phone absolutely connected to a router receiving connection, so I know that this device should show up on airodump-ng's list as an associated device.

    Here's the kicker, it's not associated. The router comes up fine, phone comes up as listed, however the phone "isn't associated" with the router.

    When I run aireplay-ng in two ways, either just the router's MAC or the router AND the phone's MAC, I can never get a handshake. The phone becomes disconnected in both cases and tries to reconnect so I know it's being kicked off and jumps back on. And after I run both MACs? It THEN comes up on airodump-ng's list as associated with the router. But even then I don't get a handshake.

    So even after I get the device to be kicked off and reconnected I can't get a handshake. Although... sometimes I still get a packet dump reguardless. The packet has no encrypted part in it, though.

    And another weird thing, I have a friend running a similar setup (same Wifi card and Kali, but on a Raspberry Pi) and he has a similar problem. We have tried multiple ways and different sequences of connections and runnings. Even tried Fern and Reaver and they ended up being as useless as others (which I know they are partially dependent on aircrack-ng, but it was worth a try).

    So if I could get some help understanding what it is that's wrong, I (we) would greatly appreciate it!
    Last edited by ben_xman; 2016-03-30 at 03:54. Reason: Typo's and grammar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    your linksys it's an old wireless(use to work best on XP if i recall)and has a rt73 chip so you may want to install linux-headers and module-assistant to make it work. not sure you can make it on kali 2016. search on google ralink rt73 source ( or something like it was the one) can't find mine so.. i can help you more than that. happy hunting

  3. #3
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    Unfortunately I did this already. No luck. Thanks though!

    FYI, modinfo is showing the correct info.

    But here's some more observed info: The iwconfig is showing that both RTS and Fragment the are set to "off". Would that matter?

  4. #4
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    Just as an update:

    This is version 3 of the card, so I doubt the "old wireless" thing is actually an issue anymore.

    I have tried literally every single Wireless Attack on Kali and none of them work. My wireless driver/kernel is correct and the signal is as good as it can get. I think this is an issue with the inability to associate devices with the router. So would anyone know why this is?

    I'm sorry to press this so hard. It's just been so frustrating with trying everything in the book and nothing seems to work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    try with another adapter?

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