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Thread: HT-WB: "ls: cannot access sys/class/ieee80211: No such file or directory"

  1. #1
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    Angry HT-WB: "ls: cannot access sys/class/ieee80211: No such file or directory"

    I'm running Kali (latest as of 4-01-16) 64-Bit in VirtualBox 5.0.14 with the proper extension pack installed. I have my AWUS036H plugged in and it is being detected and gets on the internet fine on both my main OS (Windows 10) and my Kali VM, but when I use High Touch WPS breaker, it says "ls: cannot access sys/class/ieee80211: No such file or directory" and says "Wireless Card not found". I have the thing plugged in and working. I have tried everything, but I am very amateur at pentesting and I need an answer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    the HT wps should see it as wlan0 and turn it mon0 or wlan0mon by itself. try not to start it with airmon-ng,or "airmon-ng check kill" first. the rolling edition it's a mess anyhow. go with sana and you shouldn't have problems

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob79 View Post
    go with sana and you shouldn't have problems
    Sorry, I'm really a newbie at all this. How do I do that?

  4. #4
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    it's a while since i haven't touched kali linux. download kali sana or.. it seems that they fixed it. so.. get an update and upgrade and you should be fine(i guess) apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

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