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Thread: Connecting to wifi network with raspberry pi

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Connecting to wifi network with raspberry pi

    Hello everyone, I am fairly new here and am fairly new to linux and more specifically the raspberry pi. I recently installed the raspberry pi distribution of Kali and have had no troubles thus far until I encountered connecting to my home wifi network. Now, I'm pretty new here, so pardon if I sound like a complete and total noob but I do not know how to connect to my existing home wifi network with this OS. Bear in mind I have a wireless adapter card that I have plugged into my pi. In short: Where do navigate to in the OS to connect to a wifi network and or what commands do I need to employ to connect to my home network and or get my wifi adapter functioning.

    Any help would be much appreciated and have a good afternoon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you have a GUI there is a little icon on the top right corner that look like cell phone bars, and if you click on there it should display the network you are able to connect to. (This is all after you login of course)

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