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Thread: MacbookPro 17" early 2001 - bluetooth hci0: BCM: read verbose config info failed

  1. #1
    Join Date

    MacbookPro 17" early 2001 - bluetooth hci0: BCM: read verbose config info failed

    Tried to get the new Kali image kali-linux-2016.1-amd64.iso up n running.
    As soon it starts loading the image, before the Kali boot selection I get this error:
    bluetooth hci0: BCM: read verbose config info failed
    and it just hangs.

    I upgraded the Bluetooth on the MacbookPro to 4.0 (BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX) + Conitunity Tool works great on OSX just not on Kali.
    How can I disable the Bluetooth check or add a new driver for it?

  2. #2
    That's weird. My bluetooth doesn't work during kali but it boots correctly (I have a macbook air 2015 / el capitan)

    I would try a fresh install (Remember to check SHA1SUM!). Tell me if you still have the same error.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sorry for the late reply, been trying it for the last days and can't seem to get passed that error. Also trying to find the original card if that solves it but I don't have it anymore.
    SHA1SUM matched up

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