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Thread: Nethunter on Samsung Galaxy S4(M919N)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Nethunter on Samsung Galaxy S4(M919N)

    Has anyone installed nethunter on a Samsung Galaxy S4 (M919N) MetroPCS/T-Mobile.
    1) did you install it with Linux Deploy?
    2) has anyone installed it as the only OS on the device?
    A)If so what kernel and ROM did you use?
    B)what steps did you do?
    C) are the BT, Wifi and other features of the device still working?

    I ask because i have an old S4 that i have no other use for and would like to install nethunter as the only OS or at least primary OS on the device.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    wish this forum was more active so i could find out if you got this working. I have a sprint note 3 that i wanted to get this working on but have no idea on where to start to get it to work with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I have a hltespr too. I used kitkatkiller rom and a beastmode3 kernel and finally got a good stable OS running on it. Going back to install Kali has been a challenge, and I'd like compare notes(haha), and see if youve made any progress on it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Hi! I've managed to get it working on my Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 (running CM 12.1) following this guide:

    I've flashed this:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Offensive Security doesn't currently support Samsung Devices, you could try to port it yourself, like you have to do with Ubuntu Phone. Besides that, I don't think there is a safe way to install NetHunter on your device, if you have a Nexus device this process would be a million times easier.

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