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Thread: Kali linux 2.0 Rolling slow on Dell Inspiron 1420

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali linux 2.0 Rolling slow on Dell Inspiron 1420

    Hi Folks,

    So I installed kali linux 2.0 rolling on my 2007 Dell Inspiron 1420 (Core 2 Duo 1.5GHz, 2GB RAM)

    Somehow it works okay, but not fast. Applications like FirefoxESR and booting takes **** lot of time.

    Do I need some better specs laptop?
    Or I can just upgrade HDD to SSD and RAM to 4GB?

    I'm thinking of getting a refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad X230
    or a Lenovo Thinkpad E450

    The machine sole purpose will be to use Kali linux for pentesting along side windows 7

    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks and cheers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Kali forums
    I have an older model Dell Inspiron too, and it performs similar to what you describe. Not my primary box, so it isn't a big deal for me.

    I can't speak to those particular Thinkpad models, but my primary Kali box is a Thinkpad L530. It runs 64-bit Kali dual booting with Windows 7 just fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sounds good, enough of seeing Macbook around cafe, but when you see a thinkpad, you know something is going on. Thinkpads are very durable

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Kali forums
    Yeah, I've thought about using a Mac (with partitions for Windows 7 & Kali) but I can't justify the cost to my supervisor.

    Agreed on the durability, the Thinkpad I use has held up well over the last 3 years.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by machx View Post
    Hi Folks,

    So I installed kali linux 2.0 rolling on my 2007 Dell Inspiron 1420 (Core 2 Duo 1.5GHz, 2GB RAM)

    Somehow it works okay, but not fast. Applications like FirefoxESR and booting takes **** lot of time.

    Do I need some better specs laptop?
    Or I can just upgrade HDD to SSD and RAM to 4GB?

    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks and cheers!
    Have you tried Kali Light Edition. It runs XFCE?

    Lenovo are good as well.

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