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Thread: Having Trouble Finding Clients with Airodump-ng

  1. #1
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    Having Trouble Finding Clients with Airodump-ng

    Hello all,

    I started using kali linux last week and have been taking an online course on network penetration. I bought a Panda Wireless PAU06 300Mbps N USB Adapter to accomplish such tasks. The problem I am having is when I try to do a deauthentication attack on my own network, or any network honestly. I am able to see all the networks when using airodump-ng but when I hone into a certain network, I am not able to see the clients MAC address. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the external wifi adapter i am using. I am able to successfully put my network into Monitor Mode using airmon-ng. I have posted a couple screenshots dealing with what I am seeing.
    I am using a Sony Vaio Laptop running Windows 10
    I am using VMWare Workstation 12 Player
    I am running Kali Linux 2016.1 on VMWare

    The first screenshot shows that my wifi card is in monitor mode

    Monitor mode.jpg

    The second screenshot shows what I get when I type, airodump-ng wlan0mon


    I can see a few networks around me but the clients BSSID’s say not associated

    The third screenshot is when I hone into my own network using airodump-ng –channel 5 –bssid... wlan0mon

    airodump no clients.jpg

    As you can see, I am not getting any clients to show up. I have multiple devices connected to this network so some of them should be showing up.
    I am confused on what I am doing wrong. Is it because I need a different external wifi card?

    I appreciate all the help!

  2. #2
    if you have a doubt your USB device would have been helpfull to give the chipset
    download something or do a streaming, that would help to detect client.
    You can also do a little general desauth, could help too.

  3. #3
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    Sorry. The chipped for the USB WiFi connector is a Ralink RT5372

    Is that ralink RT5372 chipset compatible with kali linux to pen test?
    Last edited by maiki; 2016-08-09 at 07:57. Reason: Merge posts

  4. #4
    Yes it is (it uses rt2800usb driver)
    Update to the latest svn version form aircrack-ng and try again to see if the issue is solve:
    svn co aircrack-ng
    cd aircrack-ng
    make install

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcdtv View Post
    Yes it is (it uses rt2800usb driver)
    Update to the latest svn version form aircrack-ng and try again to see if the issue is solve:
    svn co aircrack-ng
    cd aircrack-ng
    make install
    Thank you for your response. When I entered in the code you suggested, i recieve this after i typed in the svn and tried "make":
    ** Cannot find development files for any supported version of libnl. install either libnl1 or libnl3..  Stop.
    I researched solutions to this on the web and I thought I found how to install the correct version.

    I executed this command in the terminal
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
    That seemed to fix that problem. But now, When i try "make" i get an error of: "No targets specified and no makefile found"

    I did try to run airodump-ng again to see if I get any clients but still nothing

  6. #6
    Is your system totaly updated (i mean the kernel too)?
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  7. #7
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    Kali forums
    You won't need to run make if you do apt-get install; aircrack-ng will be installed. Is your /etc/apt/sources.list pointed at the Kali repos? Are you running Kali as root?

    As kcdtv said, I'd run apt-get update followed by apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure Kali is fully up to date. If aircrack is still giving you problems, I'd try removing & reinstalling it.

  8. #8
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    Well it looks like i just needed to update Kali. Thank you for all your help!

  9. #9
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    Excuse me, i have the same problem. What exactly have you done to overcome the issue ?
    Did you just execute the commands apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade ? and what happened later is it fixed and you can see the clients now?

    I would appreciate your response.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by d7miuk View Post
    Excuse me, i have the same problem. What exactly have you done to overcome the issue ?
    Did you just execute the commands apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade ? and what happened later is it fixed and you can see the clients now?

    I would appreciate your response.
    I seem to be having the exact same issue as the OP and I also am using the same USB adapter that he is using.

    I really would love to know how to fix this issue, I've spent countless hours and still can't get it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  11. #11
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    I'd try apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (backing up any important files first, of course). If that doesn't work, uninstall & reinstall the aircrack-ng suite.

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