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Thread: HP Revolve 810 - Atmel Maxtouch Digitizer not working

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    Question HP Revolve 810 - Atmel Maxtouch Digitizer not working

    Hi all,

    For the last couple of days I've been trying to figure out how to get my touchscreen working. It doesn't respond at all. I've tried a lot of things but they were almost all 'try and fail'. I know it can work because during all my experimenting with different installs I managed to get it working a couple of times, but for a short period of time.
    I didn't wanted a lot of unnecessary stuff on my system so I installed Kali again a couple of times when I got the touchscreen working. But, after a fresh install when I try to repeat, what I thought were the necessary steps, I can't get it to work in the end. I'm relatively new to linux and not really experienced when it comes to getting the right drivers, compiling my own kernel etc. I hope someone here can help me fix this problem because it's driving me crazy.

    I have the following setup:
    HP Revolve 810
    Kali GNU/Linux Rolling 64-bit
    Gnome version 3.20.2
    Installed on HDD

    xinput output:
    kali@kali:~$ xinput
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer                    	id=2	[master pointer  (3)]
    ⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              	id=4	[slave  pointer  (2)]
    ⎜   ↳ AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint                	id=13	[slave  pointer  (2)]
    ⎜   ↳ Atmel Atmel maXTouch Digitizer          	id=9	[slave  pointer  (2)]
    ⎜   ↳ Atmel Atmel maXTouch Digitizer Pen      	id=10	[slave  pointer  (2)]
    ⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   	id=3	[master keyboard (2)]
        ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard             	id=5	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ Power Button                            	id=6	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ Video Bus                               	id=7	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ Sleep Button                            	id=8	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ HP HD Webcam [Fixed]                    	id=11	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard            	id=12	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ HP Wireless hotkeys                     	id=14	[slave  keyboard (3)]
        ↳ HP WMI hotkeys                          	id=15	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    kali@kali:~$ xinput list-props 9
    Device 'Atmel Atmel maXTouch Digitizer':
    	Device Enabled (139):	1
    	Coordinate Transformation Matrix (141):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
    	libinput Calibration Matrix (279):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
    	libinput Calibration Matrix Default (280):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
    	libinput Send Events Modes Available (261):	1, 0
    	libinput Send Events Mode Enabled (262):	0, 0
    	libinput Send Events Mode Enabled Default (263):	0, 0
    	Device Node (264):	"/dev/input/event15"
    	Device Product ID (265):	1003, 33803
    	libinput Horizonal Scroll Enabled (266):	0
    kali@kali:~$ xinput list-props 10
    Device 'Atmel Atmel maXTouch Digitizer Pen':
    	Device Enabled (139):	1
    	Coordinate Transformation Matrix (141):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
    	Device Accel Profile (273):	0
    	Device Accel Constant Deceleration (274):	1.000000
    	Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration (275):	1.000000
    	Device Accel Velocity Scaling (276):	10.000000
    	Device Product ID (265):	1003, 33803
    	Device Node (264):	"/dev/input/event16"
    	Evdev Axis Inversion (284):	0, 0
    	Evdev Axis Calibration (285):	3, 4102, 3, 4098
    	Evdev Axes Swap (286):	0
    	Axis Labels (287):	"Abs X" (277), "Abs Y" (278), "Abs Pressure" (283)
    	Button Labels (288):	"Button 0" (282), "Button Unknown" (281), "Button Unknown" (281), "Button Wheel Up" (145), "Button Wheel Down" (146)
    	Evdev Scrolling Distance (289):	0, 0, 0
    	Evdev Middle Button Emulation (290):	0
    	Evdev Middle Button Timeout (291):	50
    	Evdev Third Button Emulation (292):	0
    	Evdev Third Button Emulation Timeout (293):	1000
    	Evdev Third Button Emulation Button (294):	3
    	Evdev Third Button Emulation Threshold (295):	20
    	Evdev Wheel Emulation (296):	0
    	Evdev Wheel Emulation Axes (297):	0, 0, 4, 5
    	Evdev Wheel Emulation Inertia (298):	10
    	Evdev Wheel Emulation Timeout (299):	200
    	Evdev Wheel Emulation Button (300):	4
    	Evdev Drag Lock Buttons (301):	0
    Testing with evtest give no output at all..

    It feels like the solution is as easy as changing a config file somewhere. I've read that most touchscreens work out of the box with Kali. I just hope someone can point me in the right direction.
    Last edited by wemaro; 2016-08-09 at 11:54.

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