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Thread: Integrating Nexmon (native Monitor Mode and Frame Injection) into Nethunter

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Integrating Nexmon (native Monitor Mode and Frame Injection) into Nethunter

    Dear Nethunter developers,

    I am the lead developer of the Nexmon Project ( and like to suggest to integrate it into Nethunter. The main goal of Nexmon is the activation of monitor mode and frame injection on the Broadcom BCM4339 WiFi chip. Currently, both monitor mode and frame inject work and could be integrated into other projects like Nethunter. In addition, we figured out, that only three additonal lines of code are required to enable monitor mode (without injection) on Broadcom chips using the bcmdhd driver.

    Please, let me know, if you need some support for the integration.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Hello! I am not a developer Nethunter, but I'm very interested in your topic, in the official repository NetHunter is a modification of kernel-Nexus 5 [Hammerhead], hammerheadmon, apparently sharpened by the run monitor mode, but I did not succeed. And why would you yet informally integrate the driver into the kernel? All source code is available, and add-in the official thread via the 'Pull Request'.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nexmon View Post
    Dear Nethunter developers,

    I am the lead developer of the Nexmon Project ( and like to suggest to integrate it into Nethunter. The main goal of Nexmon is the activation of monitor mode and frame injection on the Broadcom BCM4339 WiFi chip. Currently, both monitor mode and frame inject work and could be integrated into other projects like Nethunter. In addition, we figured out, that only three additonal lines of code are required to enable monitor mode (without injection) on Broadcom chips using the bcmdhd driver.

    Please, let me know, if you need some support for the integration.

    Hi I came across your post while searching for a way to enable monitor mode for the bc chip in nethunter... I think you have a great idea and I would be happy to support you in any way I can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    hi guy would this help put the galaxy s3's internal wifi card into monitor mode? (using a rooted device with the nethunter apk installed,and nexmon installed)...which would be handy as using external wifi adapters is a pain,

    EDIT: sorry i meant to say nexus 5x,(i am in the process of fixing a galaxy s3 mini and typed what i was thinking lol sorry again)
    Last edited by maiki; 2017-01-07 at 10:13. Reason: Merge posts

  5. #5
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    All source code is available, and add-in the official thread via the 'Pull Request'.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    I got a Nexus 5 now and of course I wanna use internal monitor mode.

    There is an easy-to-flash package by @Binkybear:

    It works fine - means monitor mode with internal wifi works fine inside the chroot.

    But, grrr, there is a problem I can't solve: The package reduces my 32 GB Nexus 5 to 16 GB.

    So my next steps will be to install Lineage 14.1, flash the hammerheadmon kernel and install apps and chroot (nethunter-generic-armhf-kalifs-full-rolling-3.20-20170903-2143).

    Edit: A day and a few ROM-flashs later everythig seems to work fine now. Monitor mode on internal Wifi and 32 GB again. I recommend Binkybears package. I don't know what causes this 16GB-instead-of-32GB-problems, but they have to do with LG.
    Last edited by mstrmnn; 2017-10-09 at 11:47.

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