OK, so i have been to multiple threads, other websites, and forums but I still cannot find a solution to my problem. I am following the Penetration Testing book by Gerogia Weidman. I am in Part 1 which is seting up kali linux to use the exercises in the book. However after attempting to install mingw32 using wine(because the current version of kali no longer has the mingw32 in the repositry and this is the only way i found to be able to install it) i am required to do an update to kali to be able to get the full suite of wine. However when i restart i get stuck in a login loop and have tried so many different solutions(which i will list later in this post) i ended up getting a black screen to where i couldn't even access the terminal with cntrl+alt+F1. This leads me with no choice but to re-install kalk and lose everything that i setup and having to start form square 1. so without further ado i will list the steps i've done to try and get out of the login loop. The reason why i need a solution to this is because it is impossible to keep my computer on all the time to avoid a log out script to where i have to log back in. this of course will enter the loop. so without further ado here is what i have done in the past to try and get out of it.
1: entered the terminal and tried the following
: mv .ICEauthority .ICEauthority.bak (i don't have .Xauthority for some reason)
: chown the ice file....
: apt-get install lightdm (upon reaching this final step when i reboot, kali just goes to a black screen which no loner accepts input so i can't even goto the terminal
please someone help me with the proper solution.
Version of kali is Kali 4.3 using VMware workstaion player 12.
I found some more threads one said to change the /etc/pam.d/daemon.conf for autologin i did that and still doesnt work. it actually bugged my system
i tried editing the /etc/gdm/gdm-password file still to no avail.
i am currently doing an apt-get install gdm3 to see if that will fix the error
please guys i need help bad. i've scoured the internet far and wide