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Got it...
Looks like I had a bad install of Lxde.... tired this again and logging in from windows 7 with no issues.
Here is what I found for anyone else that would like help...This is everything that I did to get this working. Please chime in if there is a better method? Or if I have opened more services/ports that I should have?
Also if anyone can give me some guidance on how to get XRDP to work with xfce4 that would be great. It is my understanding that Kali was designed to work in the Xfce4 environment and other desktops are not recommended. I was able to get Xrdp to work once using xfce4 by messing with the following files; startwm.sh, xrdp.ini, and sesman.ini. With in these files, I removed all of the testing and security protocols,I based my configuration off of the same files on a ubuntu distro. I also set all of the bpp settings from 32 to 16. This resulted in one successful login using xvnc session manager on RDP but quickly locked up and would not connect again.
Just a bit on the background of this project for me...
I am using my Pi 3 and Kali to test/diagnose wired and wireless networks that I deploy. This is more for speed, reliability, and to ensure wireless coverage is optimal.The purpose of RDP for me is GUI access for programs like WireShark, when needed. For most part I am booting the Pi and letting it run iperf to perform unbiased speed tests of the network which does not require a login.
What I did:
During the first boot...
Change SSH Keys, change root password.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -f
apt-get kali-linux-full (optional)
apt-get clear
apt-get remove xfce4 && apt-get autoremove
apt-get isntall -f (to ensure I did not break anything)
apt-get install lxde-core lxde kali-defaults kali-root-login desktop-base
apt-get install xrdp
To start xrdp
Kali 2.1.2 seems to disable everything requiring a network service. Running service xrdp start does indeed start xrdp but this leads to a grey screen and RDP lock up. Session manager needs to be running as well for xrdp to work. I have not seen anyone mention this.
service xrdp-sesman start
service xrdp start
Start windows remote desktop
credentials is root and always ask
select either sesman-xorgxrdp or session manager either or will work
user: root
password : toor or your own if changed
This should get you to your desktop.
To enable on boot:
Since Kali blocks xrdp you will need to update the rc.d directory.. I am assuming the commands below will work. Since this is not a requirement for me I am fine connecting via SSH and starting xrdp if needed. I may try this at one point and will update if it works or the steps needed to start at boot.
update-rc.d xrdp enable
update-rc.d xrdp-sesman enable
Hope this helps someone else...