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Thread: Can't compile rtl8187l driver for ALFA AWUS036H

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Can't compile rtl8187l driver for ALFA AWUS036H

    I have a chromebook flip and installed the ARM veryron image from the ARM Kali downloads section.

    I have an old AWUS036H. When I plug it in, it is recognised in lsusb, but doesn't appear in ifconfig.

    I don't think the install comes with the rtl8187l driver installed, I therefore went over to the Realtek website and downloaded it.

    I installed build-essential. As the ARM images run the older 3.14.0 kernel, I couldn't download the headers from the repo, but the src is included in the arm images anyway. So I simply redirected the build and source links, like this:

    I then navigated to the extracted driver, and ran make. gcc complains that both hard and soft float are in use:

    You can configure this in the actual file, such that it only uses soft float:

    But that gcc throws a ton of compiler errors on compilation:

    What is the method of least resistance to get this card to function? Is there some way to compile these or is it simpler to create the image with the drivers included or recompile the kernel with them? Has anyone got this card working with an armhf version of Kali?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Solved this issue with a kernel rebuild

  3. #3
    Join Date
    lucky. I have the same issue on hyper-v

    Not comfortable enough yet to recompile the kernel. Would you be kind enough to send me some pointers?

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