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Thread: Grey screen after logging in

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Post Grey screen after logging in

    I'm having an issue with logging into Kali Linux.

    This evening I installed the latest version of Kali Linux (2016.2), after I downloaded it from the original site. The installation went perfectly, and Kali was installed on a seperate partition alongside windows 10. But after I logged in as root on the GUI login screen, the screen turns grey and I cannot move the mouse cursor anymore.
    Until now, I managed to log in 1 time (I didn't do anything special, just pure luck I guess, but after that I never accomplished it anymore). If any of you guys could help me, I would be so happy, because I'm very desperate and really don't know what to do. I already wasted a few hours googling with no result.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    Some facts:

    - I bought my laptop just 1 day ago, and windows 10 was already installed.
    - Video card: NVidea Geforce GTX 960M
    - I installed Kali on a 40GB partition of my SSD

    If you want to know anything other about my system, or the steps I took, please ask!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Hello ,
    I got the same probleme and the same graphic card
    i try resolve the problem but don't found any solution

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by titiblend1 View Post
    Hello ,
    I got the same probleme and the same graphic card
    i try resolve the problem but don't found any solution

    I solved this. Make Normal Install (no graphic) but before, on menu screen push botton TAB and write acpi=off.

    My problem is when i update and upgrade repositories crash my graphic drivers. Any idea for this?

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