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Thread: Huge headache with two wireless drivers (6 months+)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Huge headache with two wireless drivers (6 months+)

    This is my first time posting on Kali Forums and I think it is the only place that can posisbly help me after posting on two on forums.

    I have purchased these two cards:

    I have downloaded two of the newest drivers for them from the Alfa website but I am unable to build the drivers on Linux as I do not know how to

    I have tried asking this question on Super User Forum and Ask Ubuntu Forum but my questions have not been answered.

    I DO NOT need either of these drivers for use with AIrcrack-ng or any wireless hacking

    I need these drivers to work on both my Linux Pc's in order to reach the free hotel wifi which is down the road from where I live.
    Without the wireless cards my computers internal wifi card on both my computers will get maybe 1 bar at the most of wifi from the Hotel.

    Due to Underground plumbing faults in our neighborhood and the repairs that are taking place our neighborhood has not Internet or home phone access for 2 months

    Any help would be very very much appreciated

    2 computers are running:

    Ubunutu Mate
    Kali Linux

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Hi, I stumbled across your post while checking if the latest Alfa wifi adapter was supported or not. I'm in the market for new alfa to replace my ancient awus036h that stopped working.

    I downloaded and looked at the Alfa linux drivers for the AWUS052NH and they are 4 years old, and google seaches indicate the RT3572 chip it uses are already supported on current versions of Kali. Why yours doesn't work, there may possible some regression bug, it would be hard to tell without some log files.

    The AWUS036ACH Alfa linux drivers are over 2 years old and meant for kernel 2.6.18 ~ 3.15.1 (also really old) but it does use the Realtek RTL8812AU so a quick search yields some updated drivers from other sources.

    I'm not all that versed on compiling drivers but focus on the solutions for the network chip it uses and shares with other brands of USB nics, as that may point you the right way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thanks you for your help

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