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Thread: Kali Linux black screen BEFORE grub shows up

  1. #1
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    Kali Linux black screen BEFORE grub shows up

    I have trouble running the latest Kali Linux 2016.2 from USB stick. After creating the drive as instructed here <> I have tried to boot into it. What I see is plain black screen with backlight.. no GRUB, no blinking cursor, no response from keyboard, entering login credentials also does nothing. This happens on second and every boot afterwards. I saw a pattern (trying multiple times) that on first boot it immediately restarts the system, eventually booting into the default PC OS. The second time it just stays stuck on the black screen and can be only powered down with button (short press is enough, so I think that the boot process is stuck somewhere before or at showing GRUB).

    I have downloaded the official 64 bit version ISO (direct download), checked the shasum and copied image on the USB drive. I have tried both Win32DiskImager on Windows and `dd` command on Linux, but they eventually produced the same USB drive content. I have also tried the plain Kali Linux and the one with LXDE interface, both are causing the same issue. The PC is a laptop with Intel CPU and mobile NVidia in optimus setup. I have seen some problems with this but people there at least got GRUB and could edit the configuration, I don't get even there. Also tried to repair GRUB with grub-install under Linux but it returns with an error that says "cannot find EFI directory", although it clearly is present in /dev/sdc2 when mounted. Another thing I noticed is that gparted does not recognize first partition file-system after placing the image contents on the USB drive, and fdisk says its HTFS/NTFS.

    I've been searching for the fix for a day or so, but I didn't find anything that would help with the issue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    having same issue any one please solve it

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