To make Kali Linux bootable on UEFI systems, its needed to extract folder 'EFI' from 'boot/efi.img' and place it on root of USB drive. Without this, its bootable only on BIOS. Why this folder isn't extracted on ISO image by default?
To make Kali Linux bootable on UEFI systems, its needed to extract folder 'EFI' from 'boot/efi.img' and place it on root of USB drive. Without this, its bootable only on BIOS. Why this folder isn't extracted on ISO image by default?
Not a developer for Kali; however, I would suggest because they want their customers that are obtaining this open source OS the ability to choose what they're booting via BIOS
Now I noticed that USB drives created via "dd" on Linux can boot on UEFI without any additional steps. Previous I created it via Rufus on Windows, so its proably Rufus-related problem.
I'm not sure if thats entirely accurate. I always create my USB KALI images using dd on Kali, and I always have to disable UEFI in the bios to be able to boot on my MSI laptop.
It might be the way my MSI BIOS is handling boot though, I haven't really looked into it too much.