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Thread: Why Kali Linux doesnt natively support UEFI booting?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Why Kali Linux doesnt natively support UEFI booting?

    To make Kali Linux bootable on UEFI systems, its needed to extract folder 'EFI' from 'boot/efi.img' and place it on root of USB drive. Without this, its bootable only on BIOS. Why this folder isn't extracted on ISO image by default?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Not a developer for Kali; however, I would suggest because they want their customers that are obtaining this open source OS the ability to choose what they're booting via BIOS

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Now I noticed that USB drives created via "dd" on Linux can boot on UEFI without any additional steps. Previous I created it via Rufus on Windows, so its proably Rufus-related problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I'm not sure if thats entirely accurate. I always create my USB KALI images using dd on Kali, and I always have to disable UEFI in the bios to be able to boot on my MSI laptop.

    It might be the way my MSI BIOS is handling boot though, I haven't really looked into it too much.

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