Hello all,
I cannot for the life of me install the ISO or the VMware VM of Kali 2.0 into any version of VMware Workstation 11/12 or Fusion 7/8 with hardware level 11, 2GB RAM, 1CPU, 2CORES with a 32GB full virtual disk. I can get to recovery mode but I cannot get this **** thing to boot or start x. All I get on default is the sad contact admin face. I cannot use the rolling release because I need Nexpose and Metasploit and I am testing them against Splunk ES or AlienVault to a Meraki platform along with other ethical uses. It's driving me nuts, nothing wrong with the file system, df and top look good. I'm as baffled as working with HPE ArcSight ESM.
Let's take the Apple Mac OS 10.10.5 and Fusion out of the mix first and run with VMware Workstation 12. I don't care ISO or VMware image. What would you guys do logically because I fight SIEM solutions all day and my mind is gone when I get home and have to get back into more certs, toddlers and family (not to mention the wife of course). I can't press the CTRL+ALT+F1 I think because VMware Workstation will exit the vm even when I use the spacebar if I recall in it, unless I'm not pressing it right. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed but I could really use you help and will update here almost daily when I'm not on the Splunk or Optiv tasks.
Thanks all, you are awesome!