Hey Everyone,
I am brand new to this site and I have been searching for days to find answers for my problem so I finally figured I would cave and post a thread. So here is what's going on:
I am running Kali 3.18 in VMWare Workstation 8 with Windows 8 as the host. I bought a Alfa AWUS051NH adapter to use for wireless pen testing. Drivers are installed in Kali and I can connect to the Internet from the Kali VM.
A couple questions
1. Why do I have to keep installing the download compact wireless package to see the wireless interfaces? Why does this not become permanent?
2. Why when I finally can see the interfaces and I setup airmon-ng start wlan0 then run airodump wlan0mon am I not getting any wireless networks?
Am I missing a step, any help would be awesome thanks so much everyone.