Hi people I came here as the last resource I have to solve a problem with my RaspberryPi 3 + KaliLinux ARM(pre-generated) + Waveshare 4 inch Touch Screen TFT LCD.
The thing is as follows, I tested this screen with Raspbian and it has no problems, I can switch to HDMI and LCD.
Then I wanted to have a KaliLinux in the Raspberry so I installed this image, and tried to use the drivers provided by Waveshare to see Kali in the LCD, so once downloaded and extrated the driver, I executed "./LCD4-show" and it ended catastrophically. It reboots as normal in Raspbian, but once in the lines before the login screen it stop for a moment showing(in the normal screen via HDMI, still conected):
Failed to start Light Display Manager
See 'systemctl status lightdm.service'
then it follows as "normal", but in console mode, no graphic interface, it asks the user and password. Also the LCD was showing a white screen as it was doing before executing "./LCD4-show".
I tried swiching with "ALT+F1-12" to see if there was an graphic interface in one of them, there wasn't.
I tried to execute the oposite scritp "./HDMI-show", the same thing.
I tried once logged executing "startx" unsuccessfully with this result:
Fatal server error:
(EE) No secreens found(EE)
Server terminated with error(1).Closing log file.
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
And lastly I tried executing "ligthdm" also unsuccessfully with this result:
** (lightdm:455): WARNING **: Error getting user list from org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
I'm not a pro linux user, so I don't know what to do with this, there is obviously a problem in the driver that changes something in Kali thinking it's Raspbian, without having the same structure or something but...
Thanks in advance.