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Thread: Complete installation on USB-SSD - Can't see the disk

  1. #1
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    Question Complete installation on USB-SSD - Can't see the disk


    I've been all over the internet with searching for an answer but it seems I am the only guy on earth wanting a full installation (not a live with persistance !) on an external USB SSD !

    I won this nice 256Go Transcend USB3 SSD a couple of weeks ago and really want to install Kali on it so I can simply plug it in any computer and boot on it as if it was the HDD of the computer.

    I'd prefer to avoid live+persistance as I failed to keep my settings and everything with it.

    I tried multiple times to install from a DVD or an other bootable-UBS but it seems impossible to perform a complete installation on an USB drive.

    After sevral days of trying about anything I could get my hand on I conclude that maybe I am missing the USB drivers when I launch the installation because it tells me :
    "No disk drive was detected. If you know the name of the driver needed by your disk drive,you can select it from the list."

    I do not know the drivers of my SSD as transcend simply instructs you to download the "driver utility" without specifying anything more.

    If you have any clue please help me ! I started using kali (and thus linux) a few years ago but I am still a NOOB and I am starting to get quite depressed about it !

  2. #2
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    Last edited by duxim; 2016-11-20 at 10:26.
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

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