I tried to install Kali 2016.2 to an external hard drive. (FYI I am dual booting Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on an old lap top with a BIOS) Whenever I try to boot without the external hard drive plugged in I get offered the options of either: (1) booting to Windows XP Pro or, (2) Debian GNU/Linux - Continue with install process.
I am not wanting to continue with the install process. Worse, when I try to boot into Kali 2016.2 with the external hard drive plugged in I get the start screen. Unfortunately, no matter which option I choose the live session crashes and hands me obscure remarks about kernel panic. What should I do?
1. I tried going back to a restore point in Windows XP Pro. No help. 2. I tried running Master Boot Repair off a live CD. No Help. Suggestions? Ideas?