OK, I'm done with my patience

i had to register and ask for help.
My hardware:
Alfa awus036nh with ralink rt3070 chip and integrated ralink 3090.
My problem: i cant access the internet ... it is really strange. I have listed all available wifi networks of the USB adapter, but if i try to connect it wont.
The history:
1. I installed kali 1.0.2 amd64 and everything worked great ... after i perform "apt-get upgrade" the network manager showed that I'm connected, but couldn't access the internet nor my router over the IP
2. After i got stuck on the 1.0.2 (after "apt-get upgrade") i tried 1.0.3 amd64, and now I'm not able to connect to the wireless at all.
I tried to put wlan0 (my integrated wireless card) down ("ifconfig wlan0 down"), but had no luck ... tried to put eth0 and lo down, but nothing ... i tried everything that i found googling, but there's not much information for Kali out there ATM.