I have a Nexus 9 WiFi with Android 7.0. I followed jcadduono's instructions found at https://forums.kali.org/showthread.p...ling-nethunter and all associated instructions located at the links provided to install Nethunter 3.0. Now my Nexus 9 is stuck in a boot loop unless I unplug it from the charger and power off at the bootloader. I tried to use TWRP in the recovery mode to recover using the backup I created on the internal storage (I had to create it there because it wouldn't let me do it to my PC). I used NRT on Windows 10 and followed all instructions and received SUCCESS messages on each step (after failing a few times). I tried connecting to #nethunter on freenode, but it keeps saying that I am banned from the channel, so I can't get any help there. I just bought this Nexus 9 brand new and now I can't even recover the backup or restore to factory settings.
I really need HELP!!!!