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Thread: Boot Loop

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Exclamation Boot Loop

    I have a Nexus 9 WiFi with Android 7.0. I followed jcadduono's instructions found at and all associated instructions located at the links provided to install Nethunter 3.0. Now my Nexus 9 is stuck in a boot loop unless I unplug it from the charger and power off at the bootloader. I tried to use TWRP in the recovery mode to recover using the backup I created on the internal storage (I had to create it there because it wouldn't let me do it to my PC). I used NRT on Windows 10 and followed all instructions and received SUCCESS messages on each step (after failing a few times). I tried connecting to #nethunter on freenode, but it keeps saying that I am banned from the channel, so I can't get any help there. I just bought this Nexus 9 brand new and now I can't even recover the backup or restore to factory settings.

    I really need HELP!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    South Texas
    My suggestion would be to put it into twrp recovery and plug it in to your computer and open it up in explorer. If you can see the internal storage, goto downloads and download the entire twrp directory as this has your backup. Next download the factory image and flash it to your nexus nine with the NRT. Once your up and running reinstall twrp and put your twrp backup backup back in the downloads folder. Reboot your device into the twrp recovery and try the restore again if you need to.
    I have a nexus 7 and nexus 10 and been there, done that more than once.
    Your problem might be a dirty flash that ruined the kernel.
    Post back here about your results or problems.
    Posted with my nexus 10 running cyanogenmod 12 rom with nethunter.

    Afterthought: I use linux, not windows but, if NRT has the option to do any wiping on the tablet, do everything that can be wiped. This will improve your chances of NOT murdering your new tablet by floors, walls or hammers.
    Last edited by Roatandave; 2016-12-20 at 01:24.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thanks for the reply. I ended up, with the help of an experienced rooter, just using twrp to wipe everything except internal storage, then used SDK to flash the bootloader, boot, system, cache, recovery, and vendor images, for Android 6.0.1*, to their respective partitions. This fixed the issue, for the time being. I ended up bootlooping it a few more times while trying to get Nethunter running, but eventually was able to get everything up and running on the device.

    Even though I have since fixed that issue, at least now I know how to find the backups that I make of my Nethunter. I had issues locating a backup that I had made with twrp so I ended up not being able to restore that way. Now I know how to locate those backups in case I need to do a restoration in the future.

    Thanks again!!

    *Edit was to correct Android version number to correct version number. Did read 6.1.1; now reads 6.0.1.
    Last edited by r3bu5; 2016-12-22 at 12:56.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    South Texas
    Goog to here that you got it going, to make sure that nethunter is good to go have you checked in "about tablet, kernel" and verified that kernel has indeed changed? It should say "root@kali" or some variation. Sometime it does not change.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Roatandave View Post
    Goog to here that you got it going, to make sure that nethunter is good to go have you checked in "about tablet, kernel" and verified that kernel has indeed changed? It should say "root@kali" or some variation. Sometime it does not change.
    Yes, the kernel has changed with the method I learned to use, and am working on making an instructional post for. My kernel says "root@nhbuild-box #2."

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