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Thread: Kali plus Kismet on Raspberry Pi 2

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali plus Kismet on Raspberry Pi 2


    I am a noob and I need guidance. I am working on a project right now. I have an Raspberry Pi 2 running Kali Linux and I want to use Kismet to pick up a when a certain SSID is within range. I've been able to get Kismet working where I am able to see local SSIDs. Here is where I'd like your help.

    I want to be able to turn on the RPi2 and send a tweet via Twitter to alert me when an SSID is in range:

    I think this would break down to something like this:

    Start Kismet automatically (Help)
    Read/Scan for a certain SSID. (Help)
    If in Range send out Tweet (Help)
    As this is a large ask, I need direction on how to execute the above. Or even someone breaking it down so I can piece it together myself. I don't even know what to Google to piece this together.

  2. #2
    Hello, wanting to do something like that, i would probably code some python stuff for automating the process

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Kismet might not be the best choice for this.
    Why not use iwlist or nmcli?

    You could write a ten liner and assign a button of "Sticky Fingers Kali-Pi" to start / stop it.

  4. #4
    hello, you should take a look at this :

    if you can code python you could base on this to setup something

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