Hi. I am a complete newbie at Kali, which I want to use live from a USB drive for the purposes of an online computer-security course which I'm following.
My computer is a Mac Mini (late 2012 model) with an Intel 64-bit processor, and I am running macOS Sierra plus a Windows 10 VM. I have tried both the OS X and the Windows method of creating a bootable Kali USB drive as detailed in the instructions at http://docs.kali.org/downloading/kal...ve-usb-install . The result, in each case, is a USB drive (which is indeed bootable) containing two partitions --- a 2.51GB Kali Live one with (according to GParted) an unknown file system, followed by a 704KB Fat-16 one --- which overlap. (GParted displays the error message "Can't have overlapping partitions").
The above overlapping-partitions result is the same on three different USB drives which I have tried. (All three, however, are bootable).
This doesn't seem right to me.
Any helpful comments or advice would be much appreciated
PS: The Kali build which I've used to create the bootable USB drive is weekly build kali-linux-2017-W06-amd64.iso. (Version 2016.2 didn't work for me: it produced a frozen welcome screen from which I couldn't boot into Kali Live at all)