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Thread: Installed netHunter 3.0 on Nexus 6. External Wifi card not recognized

  1. #1
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    Installed netHunter 3.0 on Nexus 6. External Wifi card not recognized

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on these forums. I've been using kali linux on my laptop for a little while now and really enjoying it. I decided recently to put kali on my nexus 6. I got it installed, everything seems to be working fine, except I cannot get my phone to recognize my external usb. I installed kali from a windows laptop using this guide. http:// It entails using the nexus root toolkit from wugfresh. Previous to installing kali, I upgraded from 5.0.1 to 6.0.1 marshmallow, using shamu MMB30Y. I did this by unlocking the bootloader and flashing the image.
    This brings me to my first question. Is there a difference between the kali nethunter rom and the kernel? I've been researching my issue all day, and some of the responses I've seen said that you need to flash a custom kernel over kali. If someone would care to enlighten me as to the distiction between the two, I would be extremely greatful. That being said, after dragging the kali file and using TWRP to install, I was able to put my phone and it seemed to be working fine. Now onto my issue.

    I have an OTG Y cable that I plugged my wifi card into. It is a TL-WN722N, the same card that works flawlessly on my kali desktop install. The phone does not even seem to recognize it, as lsusb, iwconfig, and ifconfig show nothing when it is plugged in. In order to test my cable, I downloaded StickMount and attempted to use a usb with the phone. Interestingly, the phone recognized the usb, and StickMount even said the usb was mounted, but I'm not able to see the usb through explore, or through ES File Explorer. It looks like my kali install comes with the atheros drivers required for the wifi card. Also, I would assume that the newest Kali nethunter 3.0 from the kali website would come with the necessary kernel to run an external usb card, especially one as common as this.

    If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it. I'm not looking for someone to give me all the answers, just perhaps guide me. If I have to learn how to build a custom kernel, that's what i'll do. If anyone knows a better method of installing nethunter thats documented, I would appreciate if you pointed me to it. I have a windows pc, and a mac running OSX and Arch linux, so I can use any of the operating systems to do this. Thanks so much for your time.

  2. #2
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    Just wanted to let everyone know I figured it out. Turns out, plugging in my wifi card or usb with out having the y-cable plugged in to charging makes it work. For clarification, that means using the y-cable like a normal OTG, without plugging it into a power source. Im not totally sure why this is happening, but I ordered a new cable to see if the issue resolves.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Hi blinear224,

    Can you please provide some more details? Cable? Did you follow a certain guide?
    I similarly have a nexus 6 with nethunter 3, and cannot get the external card to work.
    I've got shamu MMB30Y, and am also using the 722N.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    [QUOTE=d00kies;69307]Hi blinear224,

    Can you please provide some more details? Cable? Did you follow a certain guide?
    I similarly have a nexus 6 with nethunter 3, and cannot get the external card to work.
    I've got shamu MMB30Y, and am also using the 722N.

    Hey dookies, if you check my post you'll see the link for the guide that I followed. I followed it exactly and everything is working fine. The cable I'm using is a typical OTG y-cable from amazon. It's so odd that the cable doesn't work when plugged into a charger but works completely fine when used with just the card and the device. Have you gotten yours working?

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the response!
    I followed the same tutorial! and double checked I flashed it properly with the official nethunter image. The weird thing is, I am using a point to point otg cable (1 male Micro USB to 1 female USB).

    Troubleshooting, an lsusb shows 1)the generic otg cable shows as a root hub and 2) the atheros driver for the 722N.
    I am curious to see if possibly a Y otg cable would solve this problem. On all of my kali machines, I've come to learn the 722N is a plug and play so I wouldn't imagine that's the issue here. But now that its mention aloud...time to go find out.

  6. #6
    I was wondering if you had any insights you could share for someone in the situation you were in when you made this OP? I've gotten USB drives, mouses, keyboards to work but never my atheros wifi.
    Did you find out the difference between the nethunter ROM and the kernel? did you do anything special in the system to get the external to work? I noticed that I had to have "USB Debugging" turned off.
    Any advice you have would be appreciated. I think for starters I am just going to reflash the phone and see if it improves.

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