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Thread: Get a Virtual Machine

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Get a Virtual Machine

    Hello guys
    I've just found out that my Intel processor does not support VT-x
    Is there any software for run a VM in these conditions?

    Because I also tried Virtualbox with 32bit VM( on 4.9.0 kali 32bit host).........
    .........boot never started
    Personally this is the logfile part I found "anormal"
    GIM: KVM: VCPU  0: Enabled system-time struct. at 0x0000000034f12000  - u32TscScale=0x804e7220 i8TscShift=0 uVersion=2 fFlags=0x1 uTsc=0x0 uVirtNanoTS=0x0
    TM: Host/VM is not suitable for using TSN mode 'RealTscOffset' , request to change TSC mode ignored
    If anyone could suggest me any valid alternative to Virtualbox(what about qemu?) that run well without vt-x or eventually give me a help with the issue of Virtualbox ....I 'll thank him

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If do not have a specific reason for using VM then I suggest you to dual boot your PC.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by _defalt View Post
    If do not have a specific reason for using VM then I suggest you to dual boot your PC.
    firstly thank you for reply

    No mate, I'm asking that cos' I need to install a VM

    Anyway ...I tried QEMU(without kvm)...tried to boot Fedora from ISO...the boot starts .......but at one point a BLACK SCREEN...paralyzed black screen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Actually I'm trying to install and run qemu too because I can't run VMware and Virtualbox.
    Virtualbox is the best virtualization tool for me and after there is VMware.

    So u can try with Qemu and VMware.
    Download VMware for private use (it's free) from here:

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